6 research outputs found


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    In educational science today, there are many studies on the factors associated with students' creativity using various research methods. A new feature of our current study is to use Q-methodology to explore the teacher's perspective on the factors influencing students' creativity in the teaching process. We investigated the views of 42 lecturers working at three universities in Vietnam including Hanoi National University of Education, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, National University of Civil Engineering. Results of Q-sort implementation of participants are processed using a special software dedicated to Q-methodology – Ken-Q Analysis version 1.0.6. The results of the study indicated that there are two factors affecting the development of the students' creativity. Factor 1 extracted was named as the psychological characteristics of the students themselves. Factor 1 with an eigenvalue of 22.79 accounted for 54% of the study variance and consisted of 23  lecturers defining for this factor. Factor 2 was named as characteristics of the teaching activity of teachers. It accounted for 8% of the study variance with an eigenvalue of 3.38 and contained 19 lecturers. These factors accounted for 62% of the total study variance. The results are considered as important suggestions for teachers and students to achieve the purpose of developing creative personalities. Moreover, this also is an instruction for educational managers to improve the quality of education at universities.

    University students' memories of their secondary science education experiences

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    Students' attitudes and perceptions about a course of study and their career choices are influenced by their prior educational experiences. These experiences also apply to physics education, which is not exempt from this process. University students' attitudes toward physics classes during their high school years, the teaching methods used in the course, and their opinions about studying physics are investigated in this study. Students majoring in education, engineering, and health sciences at a university in northern Iraq participated in the survey. The survey collected data from 243 students. The researchers designed a survey that was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, and the Mann–Whitney and Kruskal–Wallis tests were used to answer the research questions. The results show that students' opinions about high school physics classes can be positive. Students' attitudes and thoughts do not change according to gender, school status, grade level, or departments. The use of technology and supporting course materials were effective in all dimensions


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    Shyness can seriously complicate a person's life. So that it does not poison existence, it is very important to understand what this phenomenon is and how to get back freedom in actions. In order to understand the peculiarities of this phenomenon, we conducted a study, during which it was proved that the shy people have a pronounced anxious accentuation of character.Застенчивость способна серьезно усложнить жизнь человека. Поэтому очень важно понимать, что это за феномен и как вернуть себе свободу в действиях. Для того, чтобы понять особенности данного феномена, нами было проведено исследование, в ходе которого было доказано, что у застенчивых имеется ярко выраженная тревожная акцентуация характера


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    The presented research topic is particularly relevant and significant for science. Since elementary school, students are immersed in the digital environment, which has a special impact on their emotional and volitional sphere. To identify the features of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere of younger schoolchildren, the following methods were used: “Emotional identification” (E.I. Izotova), “Drawing of a non-existent animal” (M.Z. Dukarevich), “Contour SAT-N” (Children's apperceptive test by L. Bellak, O. Bellak), “Film test” (P.Gilles), a questionnaire for identifying the severity of self-control in the emotional sphere, activity and behaviour (G.S. Nikiforov, V.K. Vasiliev, S.V. Firsov). The study involved 80 primary school students. According to the results of the study, we can see that the second-grade students have increased emotional excitability, the third-grade students have a desire to communicate and dominance of the motivational component in the manifestation of emotions, and the fourth-grade students have a high level of emotional self-control and the expression of strong-willed qualities. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the results obtained by psychologists to create programmes for the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of younger school-children, taking into account the introduction of modern digital technologies

    Probabilistic modeling of crack growth in large structures

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    The allowance for various defects including cracks represents a critical issue related to structural risk analysis. The complexity and the ambiguity involved with such allowance for the amount and growth of defects (cracks) is demonstrated on the real structure of a metallurgical overhead crane. The problem of distribution function conversion must be solved to allow for any variations in defects starting from the point of time when the initial (technological) defectiveness is determined and ending with the estimated time of risk analysis. Due to the lack of data on cyclic resistance to cracking for Вст3сп5 steel, it does not yet seem possible to construct the distribution functions and to determine the estimated theoretical average and dispersion of crack sizes. However, by using the previously obtained calculated data on active stresses and strains, it is now possible to simulate growth of cracks based on Weibull distribution. Different engineering solutions can be accepted at various stages of operating large structures, according to the obtained results

    Probabilistic modeling of crack growth in large structures

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    The allowance for various defects including cracks represents a critical issue related to structural risk analysis. The complexity and the ambiguity involved with such allowance for the amount and growth of defects (cracks) is demonstrated on the real structure of a metallurgical overhead crane. The problem of distribution function conversion must be solved to allow for any variations in defects starting from the point of time when the initial (technological) defectiveness is determined and ending with the estimated time of risk analysis. Due to the lack of data on cyclic resistance to cracking for Вст3сп5 steel, it does not yet seem possible to construct the distribution functions and to determine the estimated theoretical average and dispersion of crack sizes. However, by using the previously obtained calculated data on active stresses and strains, it is now possible to simulate growth of cracks based on Weibull distribution. Different engineering solutions can be accepted at various stages of operating large structures, according to the obtained results